Floris van Bergeijk - Romeo en Julia
Opera: Romeo en Julia, het paradijs ligt onder de voeten van je moeder
(de)Composer: Floris van Bergeijk naar Berlioz, Bellini, Gounod, Rota, Bernstein, Tchaikovsky en Prokofjev.
Performance schedule: 31 juli (wereldpremière), 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 , 11 augustus 2013
Beginning: 20.30 uur.
Location: Opera Spanga, Spangahoekweg 47, Spanga (Friesland).
Cast: Oedo Kuipers , Sandrine Buendia, Francis van Broekhuizen, Marcel van Dieren, Klara uleman, Soufiane Abarkani, Anne-Symen Abma, Marcos Da Costa Ferreira, Raisa Melo Fortes, Wivineke van Groningen, Thijs Oud,, Naidjim Severina, Do van Stek, Fred Turner, Kevin Visser, Marjorie Wielkens en het Fries Jeugd Harmonie Orkest o.l.v. Thijs Oud
Direction: Corina van Eijk. Decor: Jolanda Lanslots. Costumes: Pieter van Rooij. Make-up: Maya Schiffers. Lighting: Henk Post. Camera: Dinand van de Wal. Editor: Synco Schölvinck. Sound architect: Patricia Boogaard.
Tickets: € 44,- (regulier) / € 17,50 (t/m 18 jaar)
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Ticketing: www.operaspanga.nl en https://www.facebook.com/operaspanga/app_172604052767988
In the Summer of 2013, Opera Spanga brings Romeo en Julia or paradise waits under your mums feet. Spanga participates in this production with Fries Youth Harmony Orchestra.
Fries Youth Harmony Orchestra (part of Keunstwurk) has not just a musical feature part in this production, but also plays a part in the opera as such. The libretto is base don Shakespeare's play, while the music is 'decomposed' after Berlioz, Bellini, Gounod, Rota, Bernstein, Tchaikovsky and Prokofjev. 'New maestro' Floris van Bergeijk composed new music insired by the old masterpieces, a technique he previously employed in, among others, Donna Giovanna after Mozart. Opera Spanga has peviously worked with Fries Youth Harmony Orchestra arranger/conductor Thijs Oud bij Carmen in Delfzijl.
Impossible love entangled in a whirlpool of family feuds, cultural and religious differences has been a theme in stoies of all time. The Romeo and Julia text has inspired numerous authors since it was first conceived, and then it also inspired classical composers, jazz- and popmusicians, artists and movie makers. Spanga's Romeo and Julia has been situated in our own time, with a background of multicultural love between old and new Dutch inhabitants. Tensions arrise from ignorance. Cultural differences and intolerance make these tensions culminate in unbridgeable gaps, to the point where, as in Shakespare, people fall victim: on and one, same orchestra seats become vacant, the orchestral sound thins out decideldly toward the end.
The Frisian Holtenius believes local foreigners to be the cause of the bancrupcy of his farm. He is disgusted by the love of his son Roméo for the North Afican Julia. To make matters worse, Julia's father is also against their union. He forces his daughter into a marriage with Omar. The ideas of both fathers have a disastrous effect...
Soon we will provide a peformance review.